How To Fix Chipped Tooth?

how to fix chipped tooth


A single broken tooth is enough to break your confidence level. That’s why if you are already going through that phase you must know how to fix chipped tooth and what the cost of the procedure is.

There are also specific health concerns and issues linked with chipped teeth. For example, often chipped teeth are more prone to get cavity-like infections and if you do not take precautions on time, other side teeth are getting affected due to the infections.

Even though the enamel that covers the teeth is extremely hard. But it can be harmed due to sudden blows to the face, biting down hard foods, accidents, etc. If you already discover any of these issues in your tooth. Don’t panic, there are many things that dentists can perform to fix these teeth. 

Let’s dive into the subject matter of how to fix chipped tooth.

How To Fix A Chipped Tooth?

Often patients are asking about how to fix a chipped tooth at home. The answer is simple: if your tooth has a tiny chip missing from the corner you can put some dental wax over the edges and have a nice clean edge.

But the fact is if you want precise finishing you have to visit the dentist. Only a dentist can provide you with the solution for having a very original tooth.

Here are the tips which is the answer for how to fix chipped teeth.

1. Dental Filling Or Bonding

If you have a chipped tooth just from a small area. Your dentist will go to repair the damages with a dental filling. Often for reducing the damaging part showing dentists are applying tooth-colored composite resin. Then the dentist will go to apply the adhesive materials. 

After all these applications dentists will use ultraviolet lights to harden the materials. Dental filling or bonding is a simple procedure like the other cavity dental filling.

This process requires very minimal time. Within a very short time, you will get intact teeth.

2. Capping

If a large piece of the tooth is already breaking off and the tooth has a huge decay. The dentist then grinds off these parts and removes the infected areas.

Then they are going to apply a tooth-shaped cap to protect the tooth from any further infection chances and to improve the look. 

There are various types of capes available but porcelain-based teeth caps look more original and vibrant. Porcelain and resin capping looks almost identical to your original tooth.

But if your chipped tooth is already infected with a cavity you may require the root canal treatment for full recovery. So it all depends on your dentist’s decision.

If you feel pain and frequent tooth bleeding you must visit your dentist immediately.

3. Veneers

A tooth veneer is a thin shell-like tooth-colored porcelain resin composite. This material will cover the whole broken area of the tooth.

For preparing your tooth your dentist may require you to remove near about 0.3 to 1.2 millimeters. Then they are going to take the measurements of your teeth and they are going to send that measurement to the laboratory. 

When your teeth veneer is going to be ready your dentist will fix that veneer on your teeth. Then your dentist will go to use the special lights to activate the chemicals in the cement and harden the cement fast. 

If you think you have a chipped tooth and there are no solutions and do not know how to fix a chipped tooth. You just have to visit your dentist.

They are going to guide you to the right solutions and tell you the best procedure to sort out your problem.

4. Root Canal

A root canal is another solution that the answer to how to fix a chipped tooth. If a tooth chip is broken into large pieces and exposed to the pulp. The center of the tooth contains veneers and blood vessels. 

The bacteria from the mouth can enter into the infected areas of the tooth, that is the time you will feel pain and discomfort. Your dentist will go to clean out the infected dead pulp and then seal it.

But for root canals, your dentist will use temporary anesthesia. This procedure is more painful than other regular teeth cavity filling. 

The remaining tooth is first filled and then covered up with a crown to protect the cavity-free teeth. Porcelain crowns also look much more similar to your regular teeth.

 Now let’s see how much it costs to fix a chipped tooth.

How Much To Fix A Chipped Tooth?

The average cost of the treatment can vary from one dentist to another. The average cost for this procedure is approximately $310. It can range from $240 to & $430.

However, the cost of treating a chipped tooth can also depend on your provider’s dental expertise. 

The cost of the chipped tooth can also depend on the treatment procedures and types of materials used for filing the areas.


These four are common easy procedures that are the answers to how to fix a chipped tooth. But if your tooth has deep-rooted infections then extractions are the only solutions for your tooth.

After the extractions of the tooth, your dentist can offer you permanent false teeth options. But these are the extreme solutions. If you are taking initiative after showing up the primary symptoms only fill and solve your all issues.

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