Why Do I Have Bumps On The Back Of My Tongue

Bumps On The Back Of My Tongue

You are sticking out your tongue and looking into the mirror. You will spot multiple natural-looking bumps on the back of your tongue. Often you wonder why I have bumps on the back of my tongue. These bumps’ medical terms are papillae these bump’s presence gives your tongue a rough texture.

And sizes of these bumps are smaller on the tips and larger towards the back. If you are looking near the tonsils you will also find larger bumps. The medical terms of these bumps are circumvallate papillae.

What Are Tongue Bumps?

Tongue Bumps

These bumps on the back of the tongue are made up of muscle and the surface is covered with a couscous membrane. The small bumps called papillae cover the back part of the tongue. Between the papillae, your taste buds will go to help you to taste the food. 

Papillae are usually unnoticeable. But if these taste buds are enlarged and cause pain. You will require immediate medical attention. This can happen for any reason. Now let’s see when you must ask for the help of doctors.

Are bumps on the Back of the Tongue Normal or Abnormal?

We often neglect the tongue. But tongues are also part of our body. Your temporary negligence can lead to long-term health concerns. Hence after finding the tiny bumps on the tongue, you may think why do I have bumps on the back of my tongue? All bumps are not harmful, just need the proper diagnosis.

Now let’s see what might be the causes of these bumps and how you can get over this.

1. Oral Thrusting Infections

Oral Thrusting Infection

If your mouth is red and also find multiple white patches on the tongue and inner cheeks then I must say you are suffering from oral thrush. 

These patches can bleed if you wipe the rashes hard. This oral thrush can be cured with mild antifungal medicines. 

This oral thrush can be a serious health concern if people experience cancer treatments or HIV.

2. Cold Blister Or Sores

Cold Blister

Cold blisters or sores are often caused by the herpes simplex virus. This can appear on the lips and inside of your cheeks. These sores are often filled with fluid. These sores can last about 8 to 10 days. 

During this time you have to avoid direct mouth-to-mouth contact and avoid sharing any cosmetics and other items which are going to touch your mouth. 

Cold sores often heal on their own. But if you want to speed up the healing process you have to visit the doctors and consume antibiotics.

3. Leukoplakia


Leukoplakia is a symptom where you will find white patches on your tongue, gums, and lower areas of your mouth. 

The primary symptom is white patches on your tongue and irritation. Excessive tobacco smoking often leads to these problems. When you frequently smoke you should not ask about why I have bumps on the back of my tongue. Not only these bumps but hundreds of health effects are also caused by excessive smoking and drinking.

Leukoplakia does not show any early signs of cancer. But if you feel much discomfort better ask your dentist for further treatment procedure.

4. Scarlet Fever Symptom

Scarlet Fever

The symptoms of scarlet fever are red and bumpy tongue. This looks like a red skin rash and is accompanied by a sore throat, fever, and discomfort in the throat areas. 

Scarlet fever often can happen among children and adults. A few doses of antibiotics are enough to get over the situation and feel much better. 

5. Oral Squamous Papilloma

Squamous Papilloma

These symptoms start to show in the border areas of the tongue. They often attribute the human papillomavirus. 

This will not going to be solved with the mild use of antibiotics. Surgery is the permanent solution.

6. Tongue Cancer

Tongue Cancer


This is a very rare case where tongue cancer often shows up the symptoms of tongue cancer. Ever wonder and ask yourself why I have bumps on the back of my tongue? 

A cancerous lump is likely to appear on the side of the tongue where it is going to touch the teeth. 

Early symptoms are very similar to any other regular rashes. But by examining the tongue and the lumps of the area doctors can say surely whether these nodes are cancerous or any regular rash.


Hope you get the exact answers of why I have bumps on the back of my tongue. After finding these tiny bumps back of the tongue, often people do not find any explanations. And if you are already facing some irritations from these areas.Better consult with your dentist to find the solutions. Your dentist can solve this problem and help you to feel more comfortable.


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