What Is The Strongest Natural Antibiotic For Tooth Infection

what is the strongest natural antibiotic for tooth infection

What is the strongest natural antibiotic for tooth infection? Even tooth infections require immediate medical attention. But often people require home remedies for treating tooth pain at home. This is more realistic when any person experiences tooth pain in the middle of the night. Natural antibiotics often give you a soothing sensation.

Natural antibiotics can give you temporary relief. Hence some natural antibiotics can help you to kill the germs.

Let’s see if there are any strong natural antibiotics that can smooth out your tooth pain.

Strongest Natural Antibiotics To Treat The Tooth Infection

You will get the answer of what is the strongest natural antibiotic for tooth infection by reading through the whole article.

Here are the names of four commonly used natural antibiotics which are most effective for treating tooth infections.

Clove Oil

Clove Oil

Clove oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.in it. These active ingredients are helping to fight tooth infections. 

The anti-inflammatory compounds of clove oil keep the bacteria away from your infected areas. But if the cavity is much more deep-rooted then you have to increase the more concentrated form of clove oil. Even these substances are used in root canal procedures.

Clove oil can reduce infections and symptoms of cavities. For treating the infected tooth you only have to rub the clove oil in the infected areas of the tooth with a small amount of cotton or a piece of cloth.


Clove Oil

Garlic also works with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Allicin is antibacterial properties that are present in garlic. Allicin is a compound that is present in garlic. This yellow liquid is full of antibacterial properties. It will go to reduce the tooth and infection symptoms.

First crush the garlic then apply this garlic to the affected areas. These concentrated forms of garlic help to treat infections. It can control internal bleeding and infection symptoms. These concentrations smooth out the infected area and minimize the pain.

Turmeric Paste

Turmeric Paste

This common and less popular component is widely used as an antibacterial compound. Most of us are aware of the attractive taste of turmeric. Turmeric is a common spice in the kitchen but it has antibacterial properties. 

Mix up a few tablespoons of water with the powder. Then apply it to the infected areas. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse the paste with water. That’s all. These small steps help to ease your tooth pain. 

Turmeric and salt mixtures also brighten up the colors of your teeth. Mix up the turmeric and the salt in equal portions then apply it on your teeth. You can do this multiple times in a single day.

Warm Salt Water 

Warm Salt Water 

Warm salt water compressing also helps to minimize the pain in the area. Salt has natural antibacterial properties. 

Mix a few pinches of salt in the warm water. Then start to rinse the area with this water. This salted hot water helps to clean your mouth areas and kill harmful bacteria and germs.

Along with the warm water rinsing you can also do the flossing for removing the plaque and the other impurities from your tooth. The warm salt water kills the bacteria and the germs in the mouth and leaves your mouth fresh.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint Oil
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Peppermint is the essential compound of toothpaste like clove oil. The Peppermint oil is derived from the flowers and leaves of the peppermint plants. The popular name of peppermint oil is menthol. 

Menthol has an analgesic compound in it. This compound masks the sensations of tooth pain in the infected areas. The overuse of peppermint also irritates the skin and the gum areas. 

Peppermint essential oil irritates the warm skin after cooling it down. This will also minimize the pain sensations of the tooth. Peppermint oil also revived the biofilm on teeth. You can soak up the peppermint tea bags in the water and then directly apply them to the areas.

Additional Natural Tooth Remedies

Additional Natural Tooth Remedies

Our kitchen has all types of ingredients for natural tooth remedies. Just you have to know which ingredient you need to use and how.

Here are some of the tooth remedies which you can use to treat your toothaches.

  • Rinse the affected areas with hot and cold water which can loosen up the food and the debris from the tooth.
  • Diluted hydrogen peroxide can also reduce inflammation and easier pain.
  • You can place a cold compress on the jaw and the cheek areas.
  • Crushing the garlic cloves and then applying this paste to the affected areas can ease the pain.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the vanilla extract then place it on the painful areas of the tooth for numbing it.
  • Guava leaves also have bacteria-killing extracts. You can chew the guava leaves for reducing tooth pain and freshen up your breath.
  • Wheatgrass juice also works as a mouth freshener. And kill the bacteria spreading in the mouth.



Hope you already get the answer for what is the strongest natural antibiotic for tooth infections is. You can apply all of these compounds in your affected areas to kill the germs. But maintaining clean teeth and keeping your teeth free of germs are the only solutions to keep the cavity away. Brushing twice is a must. If required, pay a visit to a dentist at least once a year.

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