What Is A Wisdom Tooth?

what is a wisdom tooth

What is a wisdom tooth? Wisdom teeth are the last molars in the late teens and early 20s. Usually, everyone has wisdom teeth. But the effects are different for every person.

Wisdom teeth cause problems for very few people. People are facing problems when wisdom teeth start to push the other teeth. Otherwise, wisdom teeth are affected by cavities.

The decay and the infections are leading to immense dental pain and difficulty in chewing the foods along with bad breath.

Let’s see ‘what is the purpose of a wisdom tooth. And what to do then

What Is A Wisdom Tooth?

Wisdom teeth are the molars. They usually come through the last and the furthest back of the mouth. Late teens and the early 20s are the times when these teeth start to appear. There are normally four wisdom teeth present in the mouth.

Two are in the upper jaw and the other two are in the lower jaw. However, many people do not actually experience a single wisdom tooth. Some wisdom teeth are entirely painless but some cause issues like pain and painful gum.

For solving this type of issue wisdom teeth removal is often required. Often dentists recommend only medicines to minimize the pain of the wisdom teeth.

Purpose Of A Wisdom Tooth

When these teeth are so painful then what is the point of a wisdom tooth? Do you know what is a wisdom tooth? But what is the purpose of wisdom teeth? Our human ancestors chewed much more raw materials like raw meat, raw fish, and raw vegetables. All of these food items are really hard to chew unless you have a strong molar.

Now we are not eating any raw materials. We used sharp knives to chop the vegetables and meals and also cooked them. We are now consuming only soft foods and easy digestive foods. So now we don’t require the wisdom tooth.

Issues With The Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth eruptions don’t mean every time you are going to feel pain. But sometimes wisdom teeth cause serious problems. Wisdom teeth are starting to push the other teeth that are beside them. This is called an impaction.

Impacted wisdom teeth are pretty painful and also cause infection. Brushing wisdom teeth is difficult and as a result, often after eruptions of the wisdom tooth, it is going to be infected.

Food and other types of bacteria are getting stuck in the wisdom tooth and as a result, it is going to be infected.

According to oral and other healthcare professionals, this issue can be solved when wisdom teeth are going to be removed. It will go to help you to get free of 

  • Tooth pain
  • Bad breath and infection
  • Damage To Other Teeth.
  • Gum and tooth bleeding.

But it all depends on the tooth’s condition. If your wisdom tooth is already infected and you suffer from immense pain your dentist will prescribe the tooth extractions.

Symptoms Of Wisdom Teeth’s Infection

How do you know you have to extract wisdom teeth and get rid of the pain?

Here are the signs of gum infections caused by wisdom teeth.

  • Red, bleeding, and inflamed gum around the wisdom tooth
  • Pain and facial swelling.
  • Sensitivity around the wisdom tooth areas.
  • Pus and blood coming out from the gum
  • swollen sore lymph nodes in the jaw areas
  • difficulty opening mouth 
  • Gum swallowing and fever
  • Stuck food and cleaning difficulties.

These are the symptoms of infected wisdom teeth. Now let’s see what to do when a wisdom tooth is coming in and how to prevent further wisdom teeth infections.

What Are The Available Remedy For Wisdom Teeth Infection?

Here is the medical procedure that is going to follow when wisdom teeth are infections are going to be a savior pain.

wisdom teeth infections which are treated by the following medical procedures.

  • Improve the oral hygiene and cleaning level in the area.
  • Get the areas by dentists.
  • Dentist medications and other treatment procedures.
  • Removal of the wisdom teeth.

For more painful cases, dentists often prescribe tooth extractions. But people who have health issues like diabetes or other health issues.

Doctors often try to control the infections with moderate doses of antibiotics. Hence tooth extraction wound healing takes more time to dry for diabetic patients.

People who have lower immunity are more prone to experience complications due to these infections.

What Are The Preventive Steps During Wisdom Teeth Eruption?

Now is the time to see what you must do when your first wisdom teeth start to erupt. You know, what is a wisdom tooth, and what types of challenges you are going to feel when these teeth start to erupt?

Here are some preventive steps that you can do to control the pain during wisdom teeth eruptions.

Wisdom teeth are larger than other teeth. And more prone to cavities. When wisdom teeth erupt there are some practical things that you can do to prevent gum infections.

  • Maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day, flossing and using mouthwashes to clean the mouth areas.
  • Drink plenty of water which helps to flush out the foods and bacteria.
  • Avoid any kinds of surgery foods and avoid eating any foods that will get stuck in the gum.


Hope you get the exact ideas about what is a wisdom tooth and what to do when your wisdom teeth are erupting. Reducing the pain is one solution but it is not going to be a permanent solution.

For permanent solutions, extractions are the best possibility. When the wisdom teeth start to erupt the person is going to feel immense pain as the gum has very less areas in comparison to the size of the tooth.

If you want to have long-term relief it will be better after experiencing pain immediately consult with a doctor.

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  1. When Does Baby Get The First Tooth
  2. How To Stop Tooth Pain Fast?

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