Can I Eat A Burger With A Temporary Crown?

A temporary crown actively serves as a form of protective measure for a tooth that has gone through a restorative procedure. These act as a form of shield for the entire vulnerable tooth and protect them from being further damaged. Generally, the temporary crown is needed until the permanent crown is made.

In this article, I will be discussing “Can I eat a burger with a temporary crown”. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information on the same!

Foods To Avoid After Getting Temporary Crown

The most obvious of the food choices that you would better avoid while wearing a temporary crown is sticky and hard candies which can stick to and then damage/dislodge the crown. However, the limitations on food items that you should not eat are not just limited to unhealthy options like candy. There are a lot of healthy foods like certain types of vegetables, and apples, which should be avoided too!

Here is a list of some of the smaller food items which contain smaller particles/fragments and should be avoided as well:

  • Hard Peas
  • Popcorn
  • Granola
  • Small Sized Nuts
  • Raisins

Foods that are Safe To Eat With Temporary Crown

The best food items to have during this point of time are soft food items and drinks. These are going to aid you in getting the nutrients that are required after you get a temporary crown. Here is a list of some of such food items which you can have:

  • Pasta
  • Stews and Soups
  • Smoothies
  • Jell-o and Pudding
  • Cooked Vegetables
  • Bananas
  • Boneless Chicken and Fish

Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about “Can I eat a burger with a temporary crown”!

Experiencing Temporary Crown Pain?

It is common to experience at least some level of discomfort and pain when you first get your temporary crown. Such intense pain is a positive sign that something is wrong.

Here is a list of some of the possible causes why you might experience pain at the site of your temporary crown:

The Crown Does Not Fit Properly

The primary purpose of a temporary crown is to protect the more sensitive layers of the tooth while the permanent dental crown is still being made.

Temporary crowns also do not fit the tooth very precisely. A crown that is too high is going to result in an increased amount of pain and pressure when a person bites down on the food.

Tooth Fracture

A fracture or a crack right beneath the crown that exposes the inner pulp of the tooth could also be a potential source of pain. Furthermore, cracked teeth generally cause more pain when chewing, especially when the bite is released.

A deeper crack often requires for root canal to save the tooth before a permanent capping.

Sore Gums

It would not be a common experience to experience some sensitivity/gum irritation right after the first few days of getting a procedure. If the pain that is caused happens due to sore gums, it would naturally go away after a few days.


Or it may be so that you have a gap between your gum line and crown. Bacteria and food particles might be able to enter this way right into the gap and then lead to tooth decay.

Common Queries

Here is a list of some common queries that you might have regarding the topic:

Q. Can You Eat A Burger With A Temporary Crown?

A:  Now onto finally answering your query on “Can I eat a burger with a temporary crown”. You are not supposed to chew any hard foods like Burger with a temporary crown. This is because burgers are too difficult to chew and put too much pressure on the temporary crown. The worst possible scenario that might happen when chewing burgers is – the crown coming off.

Q. Is It Considered Safe To Have Soft Foods While Still Having A Temporary Crown?

A: Generally soft foods are considered to be safer options, but you should still see to the fact that you are providing caution. The safest way of avoiding damage/dislodging to a temporary crown would be to chew on the opposite side of the mouth. Remember to always follow the recommendations of your dentist. 

Q. How To Clean The Site Of A Temporary Crown?

A: You need to make use of a soft-bristled toothbrush and at the same time see to the fact that you are avoiding flossing the area aggressively – around the site of your temporary crown placement. Make sure to use a mouthwash so that you get some added form of protection.

Q. What Should I Do If My Temporary Crown Falls Off/Comes Loose?

A: If either of the two things happens to you then you need to contact the dentist almost immediately, as you might need ‘re-cementing’ of the area.

Also, make sure that you are not chewing too hard on the side that’s affected to prevent further issues.

Q. Can I Eat Rice After Temporary Crown?

A: You just need to maintain the fact that you are avoiding sticky, hard, and tough foods like uncooked vegetables, candy, nuts, and steak.

It is allowed to eat soft foods like eggs, rice, pasta, and soft fruits.

To Wrap It Up!

While these are definitely by no means a substitute for professional medical advice. You need to make sure that you are consulting a doctor to get a recommendation on what type of food items you can have.

Thank you for reading till the end of the article. I hope you found the given information regarding “Can I eat a burger with a temporary crown “to be useful.

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