What Are Some Best Home Remedies For Toothache?

home remedies for toothache

Toothache can happen anytime even middle of the night…Easy home remedies for toothache can give you temporary relief.

A toothache is a mild or severe pain around the teeth and jaw areas. It indicates you need quick medical attention for your tooth or gum concerns. If you have a toothache, first identify the root cause of discomfort. From there, take your decision and find the solutions for relieving pain, swelling, and other symptoms.

Usually, the best home remedy for toothache is a simple regular salt water rinse. This rinse is going to minimize the pain. This will prevent future pain. If these symptoms are showing up for more than 2 days you need to consult your doctor first.

10 Best Home Remedies For Toothache

Here are the popular home remedies for toothache which you can try on and control the tooth pain.

1. Hot Saltwater Rinse

A hot water rinse comes under the home remedies for toothache. Saltwater rinse is very effective for first-line treatment. As saltwater is a natural disinfector. And it is also going to loosen up the food particle and debris which stuck in your teeth.

Mix the 1/2 teaspoon full of salt into a glass of warm water. Then use this water as your mouth freshener and rinse off the area.

2. Cold Compress

You can use the cold compress for pain relief. It works for toothaches that are caused by sudden coming trauma. But to relieve this type of pain You have to apply the cold compress right after the trauma. It will go to control swelling and inflammations of the tooth and the gum areas.

 Hold a towel-wrapped ice bag in the affected area. Leave there for 20 minutes and release the areas. You can also repeat the process every 3 hours.

3. Garlic Juice Application 

For the last thousands of years, garlic has been recognized as the perfect home remedies for toothache which have antibacterial properties. It may not clean the dental plaque-causing bacteria but it can act as a pain reliever. 

Make a thick paste of garlic and clove. Then apply the past of the affected areas. And if you like you can also add a tiny bit of salt for improving the paste benefits.

4. Vanilla Extract

We all know vanilla extract is used for making cakes and artificial fragrances. Then how it becomes the best home remedy for toothache. This has an antioxidant source property which works as an effective source property.

Dab a small amount of vanilla onto your finger or a cotton ball. Then apply this vanilla extract to affected areas a few times per day.

5. Clove Oil The Best Tooth Pain Remedy

From ancient times, clove oil has been the best home remedy for a toothache. Clove oil is used as the main ingredient for toothaches. This oil numbs the areas and reduces the pain. Before safe use don’t forget to mix the oil with any carrier oil or water. The raw form of the clove oil can burn the areas.

To use the clove oil first dilute the clove oil with any carrier oil, like sunflower or jojoba. Then use at least 15 to 12 drops of clove oil and mix with a carrier oil. Prepare a mixture then dab a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it to your tooth. Or mix the cove oil with a glass of water and use it as the mouthwash.

6. Use The Guava Leaves

Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory properties. And it will help you to heal the wounds because of its antibacterial properties. You have two options. One you can chew up the guava leaves to control the pain. 

The other option is to pick fresh guava leaves. Then add the guava leaves into the boiling water and make the mouthwash.

7. Thyme

Thyme is another antibacterial plant with lots of antioxidant properties. It can help to treat toothaches. Dilute the thyme oil with carrier oil. Then apply the solutions to the affected areas.

Another option is to put some thyme oil into a small glass of water for making the mouthwash. Then gargle with the water and it will go to minimize your pain. Essential oils are always good as home remedies for toothache.

8. Wheatgrass Consumption

Wheatgrass has healing properties, along with anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting properties. It contains multiple nutrients and trusted sources. This will also help with fighting the bacteria.

 You can drink the wheatgrass water as the mouthwash. And it will also go to minimize the pain in the areas.

9. Peppermint Tea Bag’s Cold Compress  

The cold peppermint tea bags will be going numb toothaches. This is also going to be a perfect home remedy for toothache. Peppermint is a popular toothpaste ingredient. Peppermint tea bags can be used for numbing pain areas and soothing sensitive gums.

Put a used tea bag in the freezer for a while. Then chill it and apply the bag to the affected areas of the teeth. Cold peppermint tea bags are much more effective than warm peppermint tea bags compress.

10. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Hydrogen peroxide is another component that will help you to relieve pain and inflammation. By killing the bacteria hydrogen peroxide like home remedies for toothache can also help to reduce the chances of plaque and help to heal the bleeding gum.

Hydrogen peroxide has antibacterial properties in it. Make sure you are diluting equal portions of hydrogen peroxide and water. And gargle with this water and keep it as a mouthwash.

When You Need To See The Dentist?

Even after using the market’s best home remedies for toothache still, you are suffering from an immense amount of pain. Then you must rush to the doctor to seek medical attention.

Here are some of the symptoms which indicate you need immediate professional medical attention.

  • Fever with immense pain.
  • Trouble in breathing and swallowing.
  • Tooth and gum swelling.
  • Immense pain when you are biting
  • Red swallowed gums 
  • Foul taste in the mouth and experience discharge, or pus


All of these ten home remedies for toothache are easily available in the market. None of them can provide a permanent solution. If you are suffering from immense pain in the area the only solution is to call the doctor. But often getting an appointment with the doctor is becoming a hectic job. In this period, you can use these home remedies as a temporary solution. If you want to add any other remedies to the list. You can share your opinion through the comment sections.

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