How long until a tooth infection kills you

how long until a tooth infection kills you

Can tooth infection kill you? Then how long until a tooth infection kills you? Untreated tooth decay can spread to other body tissues.

But it will take time to be a life-threatening infection. Also, it will be a rare infection type that can kill you. There are many types of complications that are related to tooth infections. These symptoms are first going to show up.

Tooth infections can happen when infected pulp bacteria enter the nerve’s soft tissues. The products start from the tooth decay process.

When you are leaving the infections untouched or not seeking help from doctors. That will lead to the infection spreading fast.

Let’s see first can tooth infection kill you?

Can Tooth Infection Kill You?

When tooth infections occur bacteria enter inside your tooth. And it starts to infect the soft tissues or the tooth pulp. As the infections progress the pocket areas build up around the affected tooth. That is also known as a dental abscess.

Before the 1900’s tooth infections were working more like a life-threatening concern. Before the 1900’s dental infections caused death in 10 to 40 percent of cases. 

Here are some of the life-threatening medical concerns that are linked to tooth infections.

1. Necrotizing Fasciitis 

A severe tooth infection kills the soft tissues in the body

2. Sepsis 

Severe tooth infections lead to sepsis which is a more serious infection.

3. Ludwig’s Angina 

This is a serious bacterial infection that affects the floor of the mouth.

4. Mediastinitis 

This is an inflammation of the mediastinum. It occurs in the middle area between your lungs and endocarditis. And also causes inflammation of your heart’s inner lining

5. Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis 

Often a dangerous blood clot happens in the sinuses which are just under the brain behind the eyes.

6. Osteomyelitis 

a serious bone tissue infection

7. Brain Abscess

When pus is forming in the brain tissues and causes abscesses.

These are the life-threatening causes that are linked with tooth decay. If you leave your infected tooth untouched and do not seek the doctor’s health it can lead to these types of difficulties.

How Long Until You Die From A Dental Infection?

Every tooth infection type is different; some of the infections are deeply rooted by some decay that is just starting from the side often the teeth. Then leading to more serious health concerns. Let’s see how long until a tooth infection kills you.

How Long Do Dental Infections Take To Develop?

Abscess due to tooth decay often takes several months to develop. The decay process takes more time to damage the entire tooth pulp. Experiencing the injury or the trauma often leads to bacteria entering your mouth. 

If your dental infections start from the side of the teeth it needs more time to reach the center of the tooth root.

Why Abscess Causing Pain?

When an abscess forms you will feel immense pain along with swelling and throbbing pain. That is the primary sign of dental decay. When you are leaving the teeth unattended the abscess is causing pain. 

The warning signs of tooth cavities are immense pain, and often tooth bleeding. The trusted sources are persistent toothaches that can last for weeks. As a result, you will require help from the medical emergency care units.

Which Are The Risk Factors That Can Lead To Complications?

How long until a tooth infection kills you? It can take several years even a rotten tooth is the end result. But if you have any underlying health concerns then it will lead to more serious and complicated health issues. 

More serious health concern factors are often linked with underlying health concerns. For example older age, diabetes, etc. All these types of health concerns often lead to potential threats and complications.

  • When any person is having these kinds of health difficulties they are often led to a more serious risk. And you can face grave health issues linked to your rotten tooth.
  • Your age. For senior people, older age proved to be a more life-threatening concern.
  • People who have diabetes are more prone to face serious teeth decay concerns.
  • When any person is experiencing malnourishment they are more prone to develop the issues.

When Should You Go To Hospital For A Tooth Infection?

Unattended tooth infections can lead to more serious health concerns. So better know when you must seek help from the doctors.

Here are the symptoms when you must rush through the hospital and seek help from medical practitioners.

  • Pain around the affected areas of the tooth.
  • Red and swollen gum.
  • Bad taste in your mouth.
  • Bad breath and bleeding from the tooth.
  • Tooth sensitivity due to exposure to hot and cold.
  • Fever and pain.
  • Swollen the mouth and neck areas lymph nodes.
  • Headaches and nausea.
  • Swelling around the neck and the mouth areas.
  • Trouble in speaking and discomfort.
  • Inability to open the mouth and jaw area due to pain.
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Rapid heart rate.

These are the following symptoms which are clear indications that you will require help from the medical practitioners. And if you are going to leave the pain unattended then it will be a painful sore which is never repairable.

In Summary:

Hope now you actually get the idea of how long until a tooth infection kills you. Tooth infections require years to be more severe health concerns.

But if you are not paying attention at the right time and moment it will be very serious health concerns. Even it can be a life-threatening issue. If you already have some health concerns then it is going to be much more severe concerns.

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