Why Do I Have Bump On Roof Of My Mouth?

Bump On The Roof Of My Mouth

A bump on the roof of the mouth can occur for multiple reasons that are not harmful or serious. Most of the time bumps go away on their own without any kind of accurate medical attention.

A bump on the roof of the mouth can be a type of cyst or a canker sore or it can be some kind of infection. Sometimes a bump comes as an indication of oral cancer.

Or anyone can have a bump on the roof of the mouth with a sinus infection. Root causes remain unknown till the proper diagnosis.

Types Of Bumps On The Roof Of Mouth

Here are the different types of bumps that can appear on the moth areas and the roof of the mouth.

1. Canker sore

A canker sore happens because of multiple reasons. Sometimes we bite our cheeks unintentionally while chewing our food. They came in different colors like pink, white or yellow. These are round-shaped open sores that appear on sleep or even sometimes on the roof of the mouth. There is no need to worry about this since it goes away automatically within a couple of months. 

2. Burns

A cup of hot tea, coffee, soup, or just a hot dish can sometimes burn our mouth if we are not paying attention to that. If those dishes are capable enough then it can easily form a blister or a sore. These are also a bump on roof of the mouth and these also heels within some time. But if the person does not take care of that then it won’t easily. 

3. Injury

The internal area of the mouth is a sensitive area that needs care and protection. An injury inside the mouth can form as a bump and this can also appear on the roof of the mouth. Any cut or effect of long-term tobacco use can cause a bump on the roof of the mouth. Sometimes any unintentional dental accidents from dental work can be the reason for those bumps. 

4. Candidiasis


Candidiasis is a kind of yeast infection that happens inside the mouth. This yeast infection can cause white and red bumps inside the mouth and this can also occur as a bump of roof of the mouth. It’s very important to see a proper doctor or dentist for oral candidiasis since you need to take care of it with absolute care. This infection needs a complete treatment of oral antifungal medication. This can also show as a bump on roof of mouth at the initial stage. 

5. Cold Sores

Cold Sores

A cold sore is a disease caused by the herpes simplex virus that creates blisters and bumps on the lips of the mouth. These bumps can also appear as a bump on roof of mouth. There is a major difference between canker sores and cold sores. Though cold sores also heels automatically but it is highly contagious. So it’s important to maintain a safe distance from someone suffering from cold sores to stop the spreading. 

6. Toras Palatinus

 Toras Palatinu

orus palatinus is a condition where a sore like a hard feeling bump on roof of mouth appears out of nowhere. It’s bony growth inside the mouth but not harmful. Some people are born with this but it appears after a certain time. In most situations, torus palatinus doesn’t need any kind of treatment until it causes any type of problem during eating or drinking. 

7. Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease

Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease

A virus called coxsackie virus causes hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD). This virus produces red bumps and blisters which are painful. As the name suggests this virus can also cause bumps on hands and feet and can increase the body’s temperature. During medication, doctors sometimes prescribe mouthwash to reduce the impact of those bumps. 

8. Mucoceles


Salivary glands sometimes produce oral mucous cysts that can appear anywhere inside the mouth and they can appear as a bump on roof of mouth. Oral mucous cysts are round-shaped liquid-filled bumps that can last from several weeks to 3 years. They don’t need absolute care or a doctor’s attention but one must pay attention while eating otherwise they have to go through a painful experience. 

9. Hyperdontia


Hyperdontia is a rare condition where a person grows many more extra teeth different from a normal person. Most of the extra teeth mostly develop on the roof of the mouth. These teeth appear in the upper jaws behind other teeth. But at the initial stage, it occurs as a bump on roof of mouth. Hyperdontia is curable because doctors remove those extra teeth during the operation without any complications.

10. Epstein Pearls

Epstein Pearls

Epstein pearls are mostly found in babies after they are born. Parents often get scared when they notice white or yellow bumps on the roof of their mouths. But Epstein’s pearls are harmless and they heel automatically without any doctor’s guidance within some weeks after the birth and do not create any kind of problems in additional years. This is also an example of a bump on  roof of mouth. 

11. Squamous Papilloma

Squamous Papilloma

Squamous papilloma can also produce bumps inside the mouth and sometimes these bumps appear on the roof of the mouth. These bumps are painless and have a round cauliflower-like texture. Squamous papilloma also disappears automatically after a few weeks. 

12. Oral Cancer

 Oral Cancer

A bump on roof of mouth is mostly harmless but in some rare cases, it can be an indicator of oral cancer. Oral cancer can cause sores inside the mouth which are white, bright red,  and gray in color. In the initial stage, these bumps may feel smooth but if they don’t heal automatically after a few weeks then that means it needs medical attention. In oral cancer, these bumps grow rapidly over some time and bleed often. If the bumps didn’t heal within 2 weeks then it desperately needs medical attention. 

Should I Be Worried About A Bump On The Roof Of My Mouth?

People often get a bump on roof of mouth and most of the time these are harmless and painless. There can be many reasons behind the appearance of a bump on the roof of the mouth. But sometimes these sores can play the role of an indicator of something serious like oral cancer. 

To understand whether a bump inside the mouth needs medical attention or not people need to pay close attention to it. A harmless bump inside the mouth doesn’t cause pain and will disappear after some time. A bump needs 2 weeks to heel if it’s harmless but if it doesn’t heel ever after two weeks that means it needs medical attention and a proper diagnosis. 


A bump on roof of mouth can appear because of multiple reasons that most of the time are harmless but sometimes a bump on the roof of the mouth may appear as an initial indicator of something serious. If a bump doesn’t go away within a few weeks then you must see a doctor since it requires immediate medical attention from a proper doctor. 

~Feature Image Source: http://rb.gy/0tlvp


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