Tooth Lifecycle: A Journey in the Life of a Tooth

Tooth Lifecycle

The common story goes like this: people are born toothless, and then teeth start to pop up and grow bit by bit. Small and fragile, these temporary first teeth step down one by one and make room for their tougher, bigger brothers who may live as long as you do or fall to an unfortunate death. However, the story bears much more detail.

Similar to their host, teeth go through an interesting life journey with several different stages, each one defined by a set of unique characteristics and challenges. From the early stage painful eruptions (that often bring an unforgettable screams of young teething baby) through the tooth areas, wisdom teeth, root canals, and ultimately rot, teeth have a lifecycle all of their own.

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A Tooth Is Born

As you hold your baby in your arms for the first time – wailing with its mouth wide open – you’ll expect to see nothing but a small tongue and pink gums without a single tooth in sight. It prompts you to think teeth are yet to form and a long way away from erupting, but don’t be too quick to judge a book by its cover.

Although teeth usually start to appear in the latter stages of your baby’s first year, they’re born way earlier than that, with 20 fully developed teeth buried under the gums by the time of their birth. Surprised? That’s fine.

While your baby is in sound sleep in the womb as a fetus, growing and wiggling, their teeth begin to form and develop as early as 3-6 weeks into conception, thus beginning their lifecycle. During this stage, teeth appear as small buds in the tissue that eventually it becomes the gums. Between the actual third and fourth month of your pregnancy. The tooth’s main part, such as the enamel, dentin, pulp, and roots, begin to form in this stage.

By the time of birth, 20 baby teeth would’ve already been born and are hidden under the gumline, waiting to erupt. In some rare cases, babies are born with one or two teeth partly erupted or partly broken through the gums. During the baby’s first 6-12 months, baby teeth start to erupt and fully come out between the ages of 2 and 3.

Baby No More

Baby teeth were never meant to last forever – their main purpose is to serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth waiting and developing below. The rising teeth dissolve the baby teeth’s roots,and reabsorbed into the gums. Without secure roots baby teeth become unstable, and loosen,even can fall out. It making room for the rising permanent teeth to take their place.

Around age 6, those first pearly whites start to loosen their grip, making way for their grown-up replacements pushing through the gums. This transformation takes about six years, with most people having a full set of permanent teeth by 12 or 13. However, everyone’s smile journey is unique. Depending on your dental situation, it might take a few extra years for all your adult teeth to arrive.

Welcoming the Wise Molars

As your teeth start to enjoy stability and growth, in they come. The pushy, uninvited guests, wreaking havoc at the back of your mouth. Wisdom teeth or third molars are four teeth that grow at the back of your mouth and erupt between the ages of 17 and 25.

Wisdom teeth are notorious trouble-makers, and we can easily find millions who agree. Once erupted, wisdom teeth can start pushing neighboring teeth and causing misalignment, overcrowding, or decay. In other cases, wisdom teeth get submerged or half-submerged in the gumline and require surgical removal to prevent further complications.

Teeth Aren’t Immortal

When infection and decay kept under the doctor’s supervision, a tooth can live a long and healthy life. If not, however, the life of a tooth can be sort. The tooth pulp made with nerves and body blood vessels, is the heart of a tooth. When infection spread to the tooth pulp, it can destroy the tooth root. Infection cuts off the blood supply and destroys the tooth nerves of the pulp.

But there’s no reason for your teeth to die before you do. You need proper care and attention to live a long and healthy life, and the same is true for your teeth. With proper dental care from our dental implant clinic in Dubai, your permanent teeth can stay healthy and strong throughout your life.

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